Mary Seacole
In this Tell the Story activity, children talk about the life and work of Mary Seacole. They talk about a sequence of pictures which also appear in the Clicker Book "Mary Seacole – Read a Book", recounting key episodes in her story, from her early life, to nursing in the Crimean War and receiving a bravery award.
On the start page, click on each picture to open a recording page. Listen to all of the recordings in sequence on the start page.
Children can read about Mary Seacole's life in the Clicker Book "Mary Seacole – Read a Book". For follow-up resources, search for Mary Seacole on LearningGrids. For other Clicker resources on significant individuals in history, search for famous people.
Clicker for Windows and Mac (Windows and Mac)
Clicker Talk (iPad and Chromebook)